Terms & Conditions

Fort Lucan is closed now for the 2024 season

Thank you for all your custom over the season and we look forward to welcoming you back in 2025

Fort Lucan Adventureland is an outdoor adventure playground situated at Westmanstown, Lucan, Co. Dublin, info@fortlucan.com

All persons entering Fort Lucan Adventureland ("Entrants") do so subject to the following terms and conditions ("Terms").

We would like everyone visiting Fort Lucan to enjoy their visit and would like to remind you that the issue of a ticket and subsequent access to Fort Lucan are subject to these terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.

1. Tickets

Tickets can be purchased on our website www.fortlucan.com using our ebooking system Turitop. Tickets will not be available to purchase from the entrance desk, nor does Fort Lucan accept any cash payments for entry tickets.

Our E-ticket booking system on our Website requires web browser Cookies to process your tickets. For further information please see our Cookie Policy.

Save as otherwise permitted by Fort Lucan, all Entrants must pay for admission. Any person attempting to gain admission without a valid ticket will be refused entry or removed.

Entry prices are in accordance with those on our website and will be charged per person.

All tickets and wristbands booked are non-transferable and non-refundable. All prices are quoted in euro, and Fort Lucan does not accept any other currency. Fort Lucan reserves the right to increase or decrease ticket prices at any time.

Fort Lucan entry wristbands must be worn at all times while using the facilities. Customers will not be allowed access without a Fort Lucan wristband. If you or your child has difficulty wearing a wristband please ask to speak to a manager.

Discount / Promo code (if applicable) entitles the customer at the time of booking, to a % saving on a new order placed online via the website for entry / wristband. Discount / Promo code does not apply to the party room, gift vouchers nor adult wristbands. Codes can not be applied retrospectively. Code is valid until the date of expiry stated on advertisement / email. Only one code can be used per transaction. They are not valid for use in Fort Lucan itself, only when booking online. Please note that discount codes cannot be used in conjunction with Gift Vouchers. Fort Lucan reserves the right to change discount / promo codes t&c's at any time.

We do not issue refunds, transfers, credit / gift vouchers for Fort Lucan admission tickets, wristbands, cafe or ice-cream shop etc

There is no legal right to cancel as the booking is for leisure activities to take place on a specific date as described in regulation 13 of the European Union Consumer Information (Rights) Regulations 2013 (SI 484/2013’).

Tickets or E-Tickets cannot be resold without the consent of Fort Lucan.

Tickets must be retained at all times by Entrants during their visit to Fort Lucan and submitted for inspection if required by any employee or agent of Fort Lucan. Failure to produce a valid ticket may result in removal from Fort Lucan.

Children aged 0-2 are admitted free of charge. If a child’s age is in doubt and you are unable to provide proof of age, we ask that you pay the appropriate admission charge on entry. We’ll then be pleased to give you a refund if you’re subsequently able to provide this information.

After leaving Fort Lucan, Entrants are not eligible for re-entry.

2. Buying Tickets at the Fort Lucan

When purchasing tickets at Fort Lucan payment can be made by debit or credit card ONLY. Fort Lucan does not accept cash at the entrance gate. Entrants should please note a valid PIN is required to authorise card transactions.

We do not accept personal cheques. Payment for school and group visits can be made by double-signed organisation cheque supported by official letterhead/confirmation of address.

Tickets are valid for one occasion, are non-refundable and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

Appropriate documentation of entitlement to any discounted ticket is required e.g. additional needs ticket holders will be required to show proof on the day of their visit.

3. E-Tickets

Once your order has been processed you will be sent an email confirmation which you must produce on the day.

It is your responsibility to check prior to your purchase that all information supplied to us in respect of your E-ticket is accurate. Fort Lucan is only responsible for issuing E-Tickets in accordance with the information you provide.

E- Tickets are valid for one occasion, are non-refundable and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

Our E-ticket booking system on our Website requires web browser Cookies to process your tickets. For further information please see our Cookie Policy

4. Entry to Fort Lucan

Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult, aged 18 years or over whilst visiting Fort Lucan.

All persons entering Fort Lucan must be in possession of a valid admission ticket. Any persons attempting to gain entry to the park without payment will be refused entry, escorted to the exit and expelled from Fort Lucan.

At all times please ensure that you obey the safety regulations and signage displayed throughout Fort Lucan.

Height, age, size and/or medical restrictions apply on certain rides and attractions. Please refer to the attraction details on our website and signage at rides and attractions. Guests with plaster casts are not allowed on rides and attractions for their own health and safety. Seat configuration and ride safety may prevent guests of certain body shapes and sizes from participating.

If at any time a guest’s standard of behaviour falls below that expected by Fort Lucan, the Entrant may be asked to leave Fort Lucan and no refunds will be considered concerning any purchase that may have been made; whilst not an exhaustive list this would include admission charge and wristband/ride tickets.

Fort Lucan is an outdoor attraction and we ask that guests wear sensible clothing and footwear during their visit. The public display of clothing or tattoos featuring content that may cause offence to other visitors is not permitted. In the interests of health and safety, guests must remain fully clothed and wear shoes at all times. Admission may be refused if clothing is deemed inappropriate by park management

No pets or animals are allowed in Fort Lucan unless they are Seeing Eye dogs or are dogs for the disabled. If you are in doubt please contact info@fortlucan.com

Entrants found to be in possession of prohibited items will be refused entry and/or escorted from Fort Lucan.

Prohibited items include but are not limited to alcohol, knives, weapons, blades fireworks, illegal substances, glass bottles, flammable liquids, portable BBQs, and any other items that may cause injury. Fort Lucan will not under any circumstances tolerate threatening or abusive behaviour towards any member of staff or fellow guest. Such behaviour will result in immediate expulsion form Fort Lucan.

Skateboards, rollerblades, roller skates, bikes, scooters, trikes and carriages and other forms of personal transport are prohibited from Fort Lucan.

Fort Lucan will not under any circumstances tolerate threatening or abusive behaviour towards any member of staff or fellow guests. Such behaviour will result in immediate expulsion from Fort Lucan.

5.Conduct of Entrants

Fort Lucan reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to refuse entry to, or remove from Fort Lucan or the vicinity without refund, any person who:-

Behaves in a manner which, in the opinion of Fort Lucan, its employees, contractors or agents, has affected or is likely to affect the safety or enjoyment of, or cause annoyance, danger or distress to, other entrants or damage to property;
Uses threatening, intimidating, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or in any way provokes or behaves in a manner which may provoke a breach of the peace
Appears, in the opinion of an employee or agent of Fort Lucan, to be under the influence of alcohol or other substances; or for any other reason at the sole discretion of Fort Lucan its employees, contractors or agents. A person to whom the aforementioned terms applies will be liable for any damage caused or expenses incurred by his or her behaviour.

In addition to the above:

Smoking is strictly prohibited within Fort Lucan.
Pets or animals of any nature (with the exception of assistance dogs are expressly prohibited in Fort Lucan.
All persons acknowledge that they are under a duty of care to take reasonable steps to ensure their own safety and that of any person accompanying them, taking into account age, capacity and any medical conditions.
All Persons in and around Fort Lucan must behave in a safe and responsible manner at all times

6. Limitation of Liability

Nothing in these Terms affects your Statutory rights as a consumer or excludes or limits our liability for fraud or for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or for any other liability which we cannot exclude or limit under law but otherwise our liability if you purchase a ticket shall be limited to the price paid by you for it

Fort Lucan shall not be liable for an Entrants Property lost or damaged at Fort Lucan. Such property is at the sole risk of the Entrant.

7. No Cancellations

Once you have paid to enter Fort Lucan, refunds will not be considered. Fort Lucan reserves the right to amend and/or alter the conditions of issue associated with entrance to Fort Lucan without any prior notification.

8 Events outside the Control of Fort Lucan

Fort Lucan is not liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of its obligations caused by events outside its reasonable control.

It must be understood that for operational, technical, weather related or other reasons beyond our control, any attraction may have to be closed, removed, altered in type or otherwise be unavailable at any time due to inclement weather, technical issues or otherwise without prior notice.

In the event of closure of Fort Lucan, Fort Lucan will refund the cost of prepaid tickets purchased specifically for dates on which Fort Lucan is closed only. Fort Lucan shall have no liability whatever, including no liability for travel expenses or any other out-of-pocket expenses, in respect of closure of part or all of Fort Lucan.

9. Photography

While photography of the park is permitted any photography of other guests is strictly prohibited. If Photos of minors are taken without the express written permission of the parents and/or guardians these photos must be deleted. Visitors who fail to delete the photos will be escorted from the park and the Gardaí will be contacted.

Fort Lucan or other authorised parties may carrry out photography and/or video recording and/or other monitoring in the grounds of Fort Lucan which may feature visitors. By entering Fort Lucan, you are accepting that Fort Lucan or any authorised party may use such images in perpetuity in any promotional, advertising or publicity material in any format whatsoever. You further agree that copyright in these materials rests with Fort Lucan or such authorised party (as the case may be). Further Information can be provided if made in writing to Fort Lucan.

10. Governing Law

These Terms and all disputes and issues between Fort Lucan and an Entrant arising out of or in any way relating to these Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ireland. Fort Lucan and Entrants hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish Courts.